I was Odd Todd
On June 26th, Autonomy let me go; the reason given was low performance. I didn't defend myself at all, since my teammates regularly worked all night; I'm more of a 9-to-5 type of guy. I guess that doesn't really fly in consulting. Which is a shame to me, since I enjoy the travelling so much. Maybe I could find some other similar job, but it's easier to just stick to consulting.
I had already started looking for a new job, and moved in with my parents; but most importantly, I was able to collect unemployment - my next step was clearly to pick up some Mountain Dew and ramp up my gaming. But seriously, I wasn't depressed about being fired. What did depress me was having to go back and ask for my old job back at UCS. Man, that place sucked. Luckily, they turned me down (I think I failed the drug test).
Anyways, in three months time I managed to get turned down by seven different companies.