So when I was in college, one of my roommates decided to get a grass snake. This was fun for us, since once or twice a week we got to watch it devour a live mouse.
Well, one day he starts waving his finger in front of its face and basically taunting it. In case you didn't already know that you don't do that to snakes, it jumps up and bites the shit out of his finger. He starts bleeding everywhere, and after that he's scared to pick it up - meaning that anytime he wants to play with it, he has to come in to my room and ask me to get it for him. Meanwhile, the snake never bit any of the rest of us. In fact one of our neighbors came over, wrapped the snake around his wrist, went back downstairs and watched TV for half an hour with a snake wrapped around his wrist.
Anyways, finally my roommate was so scared of the snake that he had to return it to the pet store. And that, my dear friend, is the story of how a snake was a better judge of character than I.