I'm a software dev, not a fighter
So last Saturday was a friend's birthday, and I met up with him and a bunch of his friends at his place. Around 11pm we headed to fix, even though it was cold and rainy outside. At the club (lounge?) we got drink service, and everyone had a really good time. After the club closed and they kicked us all out, we walk back to our cars (I hadn't brought my own, and had to just kind of tag along until I could find a ride back to my friend's place). I missed what started it (we all did), but next thing I know my friends are getting their asses kicked in a parking lot. Rather than try to break up the fight (something that I've never tried to do), I just kind of crossed my arms and watched what was happening. One of the guys actually came up to me and started talking shit, but I just backed away. Well the guys finish with my friends and start to walk off, but as they walk past me one of them hits me in the head. For whatever reason, a couple of his friends decide to get in on it and I end up taking a total of about four blows. The last one kind of knocked me onto the ground (it probably helped that I was drunk), so I took the opportunity to completely curl up into a fetal position. Not that I was trying to protect my beautiful face or my precious internal organs, but I honestly just thought that if I looked harmless enough that these guys would stop wailing on me. Not sure if it was that, or the girl standing over me yelling at them to leave me alone, but they went on their way. Afterwards we stuck around until the police arrived, so we could file a report. Although one of the club's employees had apparently gotten the guys' license plate number, I doubt that the cops will do anything.
I suppose the strange thing was that I wasn't really upset, or even scared. Mostly I was just confused as to why this had happened. As my friend pointed out, most of us weren't seriously injured. I was personally pretty happy that I didn't get hit in the teeth at all. Things could've been much worse, especially if there was a knife or a gun involved.
If anything, I believe that the experience taught me to appreciate life more. Maybe that sounds pretentious, but on the way home that night I saw a guy trying to push his car. Keep in mind that it's now 4am, dark, and still raining. I get out of my car and try to help him, but we weren't really making progress. I asked him what the problem was, and although his English wasn't very good (he sounded Eastern European, maybe) he told me that he had left his lights on and drained his car battery. Well, I pulled my car up closer and he hooked it up to his own with jumper cables. Although he did it all wrong, we were able to safely start his car, and I waited until he drove off before going home.
Anyways, my friends were pretty much fine - I think one of them had just cut his lip, but they were pretty shaken. On top of a big bump on my forehead, I coughed up dark red blood a couple times yesterday. At least one of my ears has a scab in it, and both are sore - I can't sleep on my right side, and it hurts when I take my glasses off or put a shirt on. I had cut my right hand and the left is still a little sore, so I'll probably take yet another day off from the gym. A doctor told me that the welt on my forehead should turn blue or purple, but so far it's fine. No one seems to notice except when they're specifically told, so I'm guessing it's not that bad. Either ways, it should be better before I leave for Vegas so I suppose that it doesn't really matter. Really the worst part about the whole thing was that I couldn't visit my mom yesterday (she would've flipped, if she had seen my face).